
Sick Pay

Most UK employees greatly overestimate how much they would get paid and for how long if they were to fall sick for more than a few days.

The Rules Around Working From Home

There has been a huge increase in the numbers of people working from home in recent years.

5 Takeaways From the CIPD Conference 2017

“The best way to predict the future is to help shape it.” So said Peter Cheese CEO at the Chartered Institute of Learning and Development.

How Can HR Prepare For Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation. We all know we should be thinking, talking and working digitally but few of us are actually achieving it.

Is Your Organisation Mental-Health Friendly?

Of the 137 million sick days taken by UK workers last year, 15.8 million of them were for a stated mental health issue.

How to Create a More Supportive Workplace

One of the most shocking findings was that 85% of UK workers thought there was a stigma attached to mental health issues in the workplace.

Top 6 Best HR and L&D Podcasts

Podcasts have been around for a while now and are hugely popular. But what are they exactly – and how can you use them in your own HR practice?

How to Choose the Right HR or L&D Programme for Your Development

When it comes to training, HR and L&D professionals are spoilt for choice.

Thinking About a Career in HR?

Are you stuck in a job that isn’t for you? Are you ready for a career change? Have you thought about a career in Human Resources (HR)?