Human Resources Blog

Which CIPD Course Should I Take?

A CIPD qualification is the absolute cornerstone to a successful career in HR and L&D.

Where Can a CIPD Qualification Take You?

Qualification can without a doubt enhance your resume and help in securing your dream job. In this blog we provide you with a few ways through which a CIPD qualification can elevate your HR or L&D career.

What Does CIPD Stand For? Qualifications & Membership Explained

We've got everything you need to know about the CIPD, their qualifications and membership levels, here.

How to Get CIPD Qualified Online

Here's how you can earn a CIPD qualification online, in a way that shapes around your work, life, and other commitments.

5 Key HR Trends in 2022

With a more virtual and hybrid working world in mind, we dive into 5 critical HR trends for 2022.

What Are HR’s Priorities for 2022?

What are HR’s priorities for 2022, and how can HR professionals be proactive in preparing for them? We discuss, here.

How HR Can Create More Leadership Opportunities for Women

We review why it's so important for HR to create more leadership opportunities for women in the workplace and how HR can help.

The Benefits of Getting CIPD Qualified

Although having a CIPD qualification isn’t a prerequisite for working in either HR or L&D, it can often be the difference between getting that job or not. Find out more about why, here!

How to Structure a CIPD Business Case for Your Employer

We know that CIPD qualifications can be costly, so we’ve created a blog that’s designed to help you structure a business case for your employer to assist you in gaining their financial support to advance your career!

10 Skills That Make an Outstanding HR Professional

Qualifications and experience aren't enough - to become an outstanding HR professional you'll need these 10 skills too!