Human Resources Blog

How Long Does It Take to Get CIPD Qualified?

We give you a rundown on how long it takes to get CIPD qualified at Level 3, Level 5, and Level 7 so you know just how much of your valuable time a CIPD qualification will take up while working full-time.

How to Boost Your Employability in 2024

Here we discuss how to boost your employability in 2024 so you can land your next role with ease.

How Much Does a CIPD Qualification Cost?

We discuss how much CIPD qualifications can cost you to give you the best chance at spending your hard-earned money wisely while advancing your career.

Why Choose a People Management Course?

Choosing a people management course can take your career to the next level. Find out more about why you should consider a CIPD qualification.

A Simple Guide to Paternity Leave for HR Managers

We've created a simple guide to current paternity leave in the UK – everything that an HR manager needs to know.

Five of the Best Ted Talks for HR & L&D

Not sure how to enhance your career in the people profession? You can start here by watching these engaging TED Talks for HR and L&D professionals!

Starting Your CIPD Journey

Thinking about starting your career in HR or L&D? We've got you covered with everything you need to know to get the ball rolling.

What do Millennials Want from Work?

By 2020, over a third of the global workplace will be millennials, according to this 2016 Manpower research. Other research puts the number even higher at 50%.