Human Resources Blog

Preparing for Annual Leave

Whatever your plans for this summer, it’s essential to make sure you prepare yourself and the office for your impending departure.

April 2018 Employment Law Changes

April may be a quieter month than it used to be, now that the Chancellor no longer delivers a spring budget, but HR still has to contend with changes in employment law.

How Can HR Future-Proof Organisational Design?

Organisational design is big news now. Here's how HR can stay on top.

Sick Pay

Most UK employees greatly overestimate how much they would get paid and for how long if they were to fall sick for more than a few days.

5 Takeaways From the CIPD Conference 2017

“The best way to predict the future is to help shape it.” So said Peter Cheese CEO at the Chartered Institute of Learning and Development.

How Can HR Prepare For Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation. We all know we should be thinking, talking and working digitally but few of us are actually achieving it.

Is Your Organisation Mental-Health Friendly?

Of the 137 million sick days taken by UK workers last year, 15.8 million of them were for a stated mental health issue.

How to Create a More Supportive Workplace

One of the most shocking findings was that 85% of UK workers thought there was a stigma attached to mental health issues in the workplace.

How to Choose the Right HR or L&D Programme for Your Development

When it comes to training, HR and L&D professionals are spoilt for choice.