Human Resources Blog

How Can HR Help Tackle Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

The law stipulates that employers must protect employees from sexual harassment, under sex discrimination guidelines - this is not enough.

7 Tips on Making Your Tenure a Successful One

It’s important that you step up to the mark and do a good job in your boss’ absence, so here's how to ensure your tenure is as successful as it can be.

How can HR prevent the halo vs horns effect from creating tension at work?

Heard of the halo horns effect trap? It’s a cognitive bias in which a person’s perception of another person, group of people, company, brand or product determines how they view everything about them – their actions, behaviours, characteristics and beliefs.

How Can You Adapt Your Interview Process For The Neurologically Diverse?

How can we adapt our interview processes for people who are neurologically diverse? We took a deeper look.

Are ‘Walking Meetings’ The Answer to Higher Levels of Engagement?

There is a growing trend towards what is commonly called walking meetings or ‘walk and talk’.

Are You Providing Equal Opportunities to Employees with Long-Term Health Issues?

"Resolution Foundation is calling for a 12-month ‘right to return’ period for employees with long term health condition and disabilities."

Will The New Payment Cap ‘Fit’ The Public Sector?

The government plans to introduce a cap on public sector exit payments this autumn.

Do Dress Codes Impact Gender Equality at Work?

How you dress can say a lot about you, but how workplace dress codes ask you to dress can say a lot more.

10 Tips on How to Handle Difficult Conversations

There’s no escaping it: if you work in HR you are going to have to handle some difficult conversations.

10 Reasons Why HR and L&D Need to Make Data a Priority

Marketing is doing it. Finance is doing it. Customer service is doing it. Everyone is doing it and have been for some time. But are HR and L&D?